Journaling prompts for finding the roots of support

1. Clarity in Action
Think of a recent situation where you felt compelled to help someone. What would love have me do? Would love encourage me to support their growth or to shield them from discomfort?
2. Boundaries with Compassion
Reflect on a time when saying "yes" felt like a burden, but you said it anyway. What would love have me do? How might love guide me to honor both my needs and theirs?
3. Holding Space vs. Taking Over
When someone is struggling, I often feel the urge to fix it for them. What would love have me do? How can I offer presence and encouragement without taking responsibility for their choices?
4. Love and Consequences
Consider a moment when you stepped in to rescue someone from experiencing the natural consequences of their actions. What would love have me do? How can I show care without preventing them from learning what they need to?
5. Guilt vs. Love
Where in my life do I say "yes" out of guilt rather than love? What would love have me do? How can I tell the difference between guilt-driven action and love-driven support?
6. The Fear of Disapproval
If I weren’t afraid of disappointing others, how would my support look different? What would love have me do?
7. Trusting Others' Journeys
Am I helping from a place of trust (believing in their ability to navigate their own life) or from fear (believing they can’t handle it without me)? What would love have me do?
8. The Role of My Nervous System
When I feel the urge to overextend myself, what happens in my body? What would love have me do to regulate my own nervous system before responding?
9. Reciprocity & Balance
Do my relationships feel balanced in giving and receiving? If not, what would love have me do to create healthier exchanges?
10. When to Step Back
If I take a step back from this situation, what might unfold? What would love have me do to trust in the natural flow rather than forcing an outcome?