Reflection on Current Patterns
What does enabling look like in my relationships? How do I know when I’m stepping into this role?
What fears or beliefs drive my tendency to enable others? How do these fears connect to my past experiences?
What feelings arise when I say "no" or set boundaries with someone I care about? How do I respond to those feelings?
Understanding Healthy Support
What does healthy support mean to me? How does it differ from enabling?
When have I supported someone in a way that empowered them? What was different about that experience?
What are the key boundaries I need to set in my relationships to foster mutual respect and support?
Exploring Underlying Needs
What needs of my own might I be neglecting when I prioritize others through enabling behaviors?
In what ways does enabling provide me with a sense of control or purpose? How can I meet those needs differently?
Shifting Behaviors
What small steps can I take to move from enabling to empowering someone I care about? How will I know I'm succeeding?
How can I offer compassion without taking responsibility for someone else’s choices or outcomes?
What might I gain by allowing others to experience the consequences of their own decisions? How could this benefit our relationship?
Growth and Accountability
How can I show up as a supportive presence while maintaining my own emotional balance?
Who can I turn to for accountability or feedback as I work on shifting this dynamic in my relationships?
What does it look like to trust someone else’s ability to navigate their own challenges? How can I remind myself to hold that belief?